How to cite a video game mla 9

How to cite a video game mla 9

How to cite a video game mla 9


Video games have become an integral part of modern society, and game development has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry. However, when it comes to citing video games in academic writing, many game developers are unsure of the proper format to use. This is especially true for those who are unfamiliar with the MLA (Modern Language Association) style guide. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to cite video games in MLA 9, including examples and tips to help you create accurate and engaging citations.

Chapter 1: Understanding MLA 9

Before we dive into the specifics of citing video games in MLA 9, it’s important to understand the basics of the style guide. MLA 9 is a widely used format for academic writing in humanities disciplines such as literature, history, and cultural studies. It uses double-spaced text with one-inch margins and requires in-text citations and a works cited page at the end of the paper.

Chapter 2: Citing Video Games in MLA 9

When citing video games in MLA 9, there are several elements to consider. These include the author or publisher, the title of the game, the platform it was published for, and the date of publication. Here is an example of how to cite a video game using these elements:

Author or Publisher, Title of the Game. Platform. Publisher, Year of Publication.

For example:

Smith, John. Minecraft. Microsoft Studios, 2013.

In cases where there is no author or publisher listed on the game’s packaging or website, you can use the title of the game as the author. Here is an example:

Title of the Game. Platform. Publisher, Year of Publication.

For example:

Minecraft. Microsoft Studios, 2013.

Chapter 3: Special Cases

There are some special cases to consider when citing video games in MLA 9. For example, if the game is an anthology or collection of multiple works, you should list each individual work separately. Here is an example:

Author or Publisher, Title of Anthology or Collection. Publisher, Year of Publication.

For example:

Smith, John. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. Activision, 2013.

If the game has multiple authors or contributors, list each author’s name separated by commas. Here is an example:

Author 1, Author 2, and Author 3. Title of the Game. Platform. Publisher, Year of Publication.

For example:

John Smith, Jane Doe, and Bob Johnson. World of Warcraft. Blizzard Entertainment, 2004.

Chapter 4: In-Text Citations

In addition to creating a works cited page at the end of your paper, you will also need to make in-text citations whenever you refer to a video game in your text. Here is an example of how to make an in-text citation in MLA 9:

Smith’s Minecraft (Microsoft Studios, 2013) offers players a vast and immersive experience.

In this example, “Smith’s Minecraft” refers to the game created by John Smith, which was published by Microsoft Studios in 2013. The title of the game is italicized and enclosed in parentheses, followed by the platform it was published for (in this case, “Microsoft Studios”) and the year of publication (in this case, 2013).

Chapter 5: FAQs

Q: What if I don’t know the author or publisher of the game?

A: If there is no author or publisher listed on the game’s packaging or website, you can use the title of the game as the author. Here is an example:

Title of the Game. Platform. Publisher, Year of Publication.

Q: How do I handle anthologies or collections of video games?

A: If the game is an anthology or collection of multiple works, list each individual work separately. Here is an example:

Chapter 5: FAQs

Author or Publisher, Title of Anthology or Collection. Publisher, Year of Publication.

Q: What if there are multiple authors or contributors to the game?

A: If the game has multiple authors or contributors, list each author’s name separated by commas. Here is an example:

Author 1, Author 2, and Author 3. Title of the Game. Platform. Publisher, Year of Publication.

Chapter 6: Conclusion

Citing video games in MLA 9 may seem daunting at first, but with a little practice, it can become a straightforward process.
