How to Train Your Dragon 2 is the sequel to the original game, which was released in 2010. The game follows the story of Hiccup, a young Viking who has been tasked with training his dragon, Toothless, for battle. As the player progresses through the game, they will encounter new dragons and face increasingly challenging battles, all while learning about the mythology and history of dragons in the Vikings’ world.
The game is played from a third-person perspective, with players controlling Hiccup as he flies around the game world on his dragon, Toothless. The main objective of the game is to complete various quests and missions, which involve flying around the world, battling other dragons, and collecting resources.
One of the key features of the game is the ability to customize your dragon’s appearance and abilities. There are over 150 different types of dragons in the game, each with their own unique characteristics, such as speed, agility, and firepower. Players can also choose from a variety of weapons and equipment for Hiccup to use during battles, including swords, bows, and arrows.
Another key aspect of the game is the relationships that players develop with other characters in the world, particularly dragons. As players progress through the game, they will encounter new dragons that they can tame and add to their collection. These dragons can be trained and ridden for various purposes, such as transportation, combat, and exploration.
The story of How to Train Your Dragon 2 takes place several years after the events of the original game. Hiccup has become a skilled dragon rider and is now serving as the leader of his village. However, when a new threat emerges in the form of an army of dragons, Hiccup must once again take up his sword and fly into battle.
Throughout the game, players will learn more about the history and mythology of dragons in the Vikings’ world. They will encounter various characters from Norse mythology, such as Odin, Thor, and Freyja, who will provide guidance and assistance on their quest to defeat the enemy.
Tips for Training Your Dragon Effectively
1. Choose the right dragon: Not all dragons are created equal, and some are better suited for certain tasks than others. For example, dragons with high firepower are ideal for combat missions, while dragons with strong flying abilities are better for exploration and transportation.
2. Train your dragon regularly: As your dragon gains experience, it will become stronger and more powerful. To ensure that your dragon is at its best, it’s important to train it regularly by completing quests and missions.
3. Customize your dragon’s abilities: The game allows players to customize their dragon’s abilities, such as increasing its firepower or agility. By customizing your dragon’s abilities, you can tailor it to suit your playstyle and the tasks at hand.
4. Build a strong relationship with your dragon: Building a strong bond with your dragon is essential for effective training. Players should spend time interacting with their dragon, feeding it, and providing it with care and attention.
Q: What is the main objective of How to Train Your Dragon 2?
A: The main objective of How to Train Your Dragon 2 is to complete various quests and missions, which involve flying around the world, battling other dragons, and collecting resources.
Q: How do I train my dragon effectively?
A: To train your dragon effectively, you should choose the right dragon for the task at hand, train it regularly, customize its abilities, and build a strong relationship with it.
Q: Can I ride multiple dragons in How to Train Your Dragon 2?
A: Yes, players can tame and add new dragons to their collection, allowing them to ride and use multiple dragons for different tasks.
How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a highly engaging and immersive game that offers players a unique experience in the world of dragons and Vikings. With its stunning graphics, challenging gameplay, and rich storytelling, it’s easy to see why this game has become so popular among gamers of all ages. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, players can effectively train their dragon and complete the various quests and missions that the game has to offer.